Sunday 4 August 2013

The Best Internet Mistake, Hands On with the Awesome Moto X, And More

The Best Internet Mistake, Hands On with the Awesome Moto X, And More

This week, we grew by a phone. That's right, the long-rumored Moto X finally burst onto the scene and it is awesome. But that's not all. We saw the bestest Internet mistake, had a triumphant victory in iOS icon design, explored Henry Ford's lost utopia, and more. Check it out!




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The Series A Crunch Is Over. Consumer Internet Is Back, Baby!

9868v5-max-250x250Remember exactly a year ago when I said that Facebook will be fine but Zynga won't be? Turns out I was right. Remember three years ago when Naval Ravikant of AngelList and I declared that Twitter was massively undervalued? Also correct. So I'm ready to make my next bold prediction: The Series A Crunch is over.


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Chinese family snaps up ?20m Fota Island Resort

Chinese family snaps up ?20m Fota Island Resort

Bidders for the jewel in Cork?s ?20m tourism crown came from India, Taiwan, the US, Europe, China, and Cork ? with a Chinese family, the Kangs, yesterday coming up trumps.

By Tommy Barker

The Cork harbour island estate went to tender last week, with around a half dozen international and Irish bids received by joint agents Cohalan Downing and Colliers, acting for Nama and receivers PWC.

Fota went to the altar with other Chinese suitors prior to Christmas, with a sale agreed and a match trumpeted, but it was not consummated ? so it was back to the dating game for the profitable tourism and golf product which earns ?10m a year in income and has good occupancy levels.

Maurice Cohalan, of Cohalan Downing, acting jointly with Colliers International, said the sale had generated 200 enquiries and 84 parties followed up an interest. ?We were pleasantly surprised at not only the number, but the quality and diversity of these enquiries,? said Marcus Magnier of Colliers about the competitive bids process.

Several members of the Kang family, headed by five or six siblings, who over-nighted in Fota for the contract signing yesterday, had stayed in Fota Resort several times before as regular guests. ?They fell in love with Ireland, with the greenery, the open space and the easy lifestyle,? said Conor Pyne of accountancy firm O?Connor Pyne, which acted for the Kangs.

A formal statement issued for the Chinese buyers said they were ?looking forward to working closely with the excellent team at Fota Island Resort as well as with the membership of the golf club? where there?s 27 holes, and a golf academy. The course has twice hosted the Irish Open.

Resort general manager Jonathan Woods said news of the deal ?is a great day for the resort, for Cork and region?. The complex employs up to 250 in a part and full-time basis, with about 80 permanent jobs.

The new owners want to strengthen links with Fota island?s other inhabitants, the Wildlife Park and the period Fota House itself, with Fota visitor numbers averaging 400,000 a year, as a top tourism draw.

The sale will mark the end of a period of receivership at Fota, developed by the Fleming Group at a reported cost of up to ?90m after buying it in 2004 from the Mahony family. All bookings will be honoured ?and the family will get on with further developing the hotel and finishing the remaining lodges immediately?, said Mr Pyne.

Adviser Michael Cronin, who visited the Kangs in Beijing, said a Kang family priority would be urging the Government to ease restrictions on tourist visas from China to Ireland. ?It would be very valuable to the country, as so many Chinese can?t get a visa to see how good it is here, and what opportunities there are,? he said.

? Irish Examiner Ltd. All rights reserved



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Fleet Operators Consolidating Costs of Repair of Truck ... - Auto Balla

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Saturday 3 August 2013

US eases process for same-sex couples to get visas (The Arizona Republic)

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Moms' high-fat, sugary diets may lead to offspring with a taste for alcohol, sensitivity to drugs

Moms' high-fat, sugary diets may lead to offspring with a taste for alcohol, sensitivity to drugs [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 3-Aug-2013
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Contact: Lisa Bowen
American Psychological Association

Presentation details how maternal diet affects fetal, newborn and adult rats

HONOLULU Vulnerability to alcohol and drug abuse may begin in the womb and be linked to how much fatty and sugary foods a mother eats during pregnancy, according to findings from animal lab experiments presented at APA's 121st Annual Convention.

"The majority of women in the U.S. at child-bearing age are overweight, and this is most likely due to overeating the tasty, high-fat, high-sugar foods you find everywhere in our society. The rise in prenatal and childhood obesity and the rise in number of youths abusing alcohol and drugs merits looking into all the possible roots of these growing problems," said Nicole Avena, PhD, a research neuroscientist with the University of Florida's McKnight Brain Institute.

Compared to pups of rats that ate regular rodent chow, the offspring of rats that ate high-fat or high-sugar diets while pregnant weighed more as adults and drank more alcohol, and those on high-sugar diets also had stronger responses to commonly abused drugs such as amphetamine, Avena said. Her presentation examined experiments from three studies, each lasting about three months and involving three to four adult female rats and 10 to 12 offspring in each dietary condition.

Researchers compared weight and drug-taking behavior between the offspring of rats fed diets rich in fats, sucrose or high-fructose corn syrup with the offspring of rats fed regular rodent chow during gestation or nursing. They tested both sucrose and high-fructose corn syrup because they are chemically different and could cause different outcomes, Avena said. Sucrose occurs naturally and is commonly processed from sugar cane or sugar beets into table sugar, whereas high-fructose corn syrup is synthesized from corn.

To determine effects of the mothers' diets during gestation, the offspring of rats fed the high-fat, high-sucrose or high- fructose corn syrup diets were nursed by mother rats that were eating regular chow. To determine the effects of the mothers' diets on the offspring during nursing, the pups with mothers that had eaten regular chow were nursed by mother rats that were eating either the high-fat, high-sucrose or high-fructose corn syrup diets.

The pregnant rats' high-fat diet contained 50 percent fat, 25 percent carbohydrate and 25 percent protein, whereas the control diet reflected a recommended human diet, with 25 percent fat, 50 percent carbohydrate and 25 percent protein, Avena said. The offspring of rats that had high-fat diets while pregnant drank significantly more alcohol in adulthood than the offspring of rats with the regular chow diet, while there were no differences in the average daily amount of water they drank or chow they ate. The offspring of rats on the high-fat diet while pregnant also had significantly higher levels of triglycerides, a type of fat found in the bloodstream that can increase the risk of heart disease. Pups whose mothers had the high-fructose corn syrup or high-sucrose diets did not exhibit any differences in triglycerides compared to the group that ate regular chow.

To test the effects of diets high in sucrose and high-fructose corn syrup, researchers gave one group of the pregnant rats a daily diet of regular chow plus a 10 percent sucrose solution or a 16 percent high-fructose corn syrup solution. Pups nursed by rats with either high-sucrose or the high-fructose corn syrup diets while pregnant drank more alcohol compared to offspring born to the group that did not have sugar. Further, pups exposed to either of the sugar-rich diets before birth or during nursing became hyperactive when given low doses of amphetamine, suggesting sensitivity to the drug. These animals also weighed significantly more at the end of the study than those born to the rats that ate regular chow.

Previous research with lab animals and people has shown that overeating foods that taste good alters brain reward systems, and diets with excessive fat and sugar can lead to increased appetite as well as some addiction-like behaviors, Avena said. "Our findings suggest that even while [rats are] still in the womb, exposure to high-fat and sugar-rich diets can, in addition to increasing body weight, lead to a predisposition to drink alcohol and a sensitivity to drugs," she said.


Presentation: "Fat and Sugar in Gestation, Pre-weaning and Adulthood: Behavioral Vulnerability to Drugs of Abuse,"Nicole Avena, PhD, symposium 4045, Saturday, Aug. 3, 8 - 9:50 a.m. HST, Hawai'i Convention Center, room 305B

Contact: Nicole Avena at or (609) 647-1277

The American Psychological Association, in Washington, D.C., is the largest scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the United States. APA's membership includes more than 134,000 researchers, educators, clinicians, consultants and students. Through its divisions in 54 subfields of psychology and affiliations with 60 state, territorial and Canadian provincial associations, APA works to advance the creation, communication and application of psychological knowledge to benefit society and improve people's lives.

If you do not want to receive APA news releases, please let us know at or 202-336-5700.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Moms' high-fat, sugary diets may lead to offspring with a taste for alcohol, sensitivity to drugs [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 3-Aug-2013
[ | E-mail | Share Share ]

Contact: Lisa Bowen
American Psychological Association

Presentation details how maternal diet affects fetal, newborn and adult rats

HONOLULU Vulnerability to alcohol and drug abuse may begin in the womb and be linked to how much fatty and sugary foods a mother eats during pregnancy, according to findings from animal lab experiments presented at APA's 121st Annual Convention.

"The majority of women in the U.S. at child-bearing age are overweight, and this is most likely due to overeating the tasty, high-fat, high-sugar foods you find everywhere in our society. The rise in prenatal and childhood obesity and the rise in number of youths abusing alcohol and drugs merits looking into all the possible roots of these growing problems," said Nicole Avena, PhD, a research neuroscientist with the University of Florida's McKnight Brain Institute.

Compared to pups of rats that ate regular rodent chow, the offspring of rats that ate high-fat or high-sugar diets while pregnant weighed more as adults and drank more alcohol, and those on high-sugar diets also had stronger responses to commonly abused drugs such as amphetamine, Avena said. Her presentation examined experiments from three studies, each lasting about three months and involving three to four adult female rats and 10 to 12 offspring in each dietary condition.

Researchers compared weight and drug-taking behavior between the offspring of rats fed diets rich in fats, sucrose or high-fructose corn syrup with the offspring of rats fed regular rodent chow during gestation or nursing. They tested both sucrose and high-fructose corn syrup because they are chemically different and could cause different outcomes, Avena said. Sucrose occurs naturally and is commonly processed from sugar cane or sugar beets into table sugar, whereas high-fructose corn syrup is synthesized from corn.

To determine effects of the mothers' diets during gestation, the offspring of rats fed the high-fat, high-sucrose or high- fructose corn syrup diets were nursed by mother rats that were eating regular chow. To determine the effects of the mothers' diets on the offspring during nursing, the pups with mothers that had eaten regular chow were nursed by mother rats that were eating either the high-fat, high-sucrose or high-fructose corn syrup diets.

The pregnant rats' high-fat diet contained 50 percent fat, 25 percent carbohydrate and 25 percent protein, whereas the control diet reflected a recommended human diet, with 25 percent fat, 50 percent carbohydrate and 25 percent protein, Avena said. The offspring of rats that had high-fat diets while pregnant drank significantly more alcohol in adulthood than the offspring of rats with the regular chow diet, while there were no differences in the average daily amount of water they drank or chow they ate. The offspring of rats on the high-fat diet while pregnant also had significantly higher levels of triglycerides, a type of fat found in the bloodstream that can increase the risk of heart disease. Pups whose mothers had the high-fructose corn syrup or high-sucrose diets did not exhibit any differences in triglycerides compared to the group that ate regular chow.

To test the effects of diets high in sucrose and high-fructose corn syrup, researchers gave one group of the pregnant rats a daily diet of regular chow plus a 10 percent sucrose solution or a 16 percent high-fructose corn syrup solution. Pups nursed by rats with either high-sucrose or the high-fructose corn syrup diets while pregnant drank more alcohol compared to offspring born to the group that did not have sugar. Further, pups exposed to either of the sugar-rich diets before birth or during nursing became hyperactive when given low doses of amphetamine, suggesting sensitivity to the drug. These animals also weighed significantly more at the end of the study than those born to the rats that ate regular chow.

Previous research with lab animals and people has shown that overeating foods that taste good alters brain reward systems, and diets with excessive fat and sugar can lead to increased appetite as well as some addiction-like behaviors, Avena said. "Our findings suggest that even while [rats are] still in the womb, exposure to high-fat and sugar-rich diets can, in addition to increasing body weight, lead to a predisposition to drink alcohol and a sensitivity to drugs," she said.


Presentation: "Fat and Sugar in Gestation, Pre-weaning and Adulthood: Behavioral Vulnerability to Drugs of Abuse,"Nicole Avena, PhD, symposium 4045, Saturday, Aug. 3, 8 - 9:50 a.m. HST, Hawai'i Convention Center, room 305B

Contact: Nicole Avena at or (609) 647-1277

The American Psychological Association, in Washington, D.C., is the largest scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the United States. APA's membership includes more than 134,000 researchers, educators, clinicians, consultants and students. Through its divisions in 54 subfields of psychology and affiliations with 60 state, territorial and Canadian provincial associations, APA works to advance the creation, communication and application of psychological knowledge to benefit society and improve people's lives.

If you do not want to receive APA news releases, please let us know at or 202-336-5700.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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